It seems that due to the lifestyle that is currently carried out, where people are usually in a hurry, stressed and always thinking about work, they neglect a very important part, which is the upbringing of sons and daughters (Garduza, 2019). Many caregivers prefer to give their sons or daughters a cell phone, a tablet, a computer or an X - Box, instead of having to play with them, since, they have found in technology the perfect way to "entertain" them, thus becoming indifferent fathers and mothers in the upbringing of their sons and daughters. Even, according to Gardunza (2019), there are caregivers who do not take the time to share time with their children, communicate the basic rules for a healthy coexistence or teach them the necessary social skills.
Characteristics of Indifferent Caregivers
According to Garduza (2019), Redondo (2019) and Torres (2022), some characteristics of indifferent caregivers are: not setting limits, rules and/or norms; maintaining a cold and distant attitude; not correcting negative behaviors; having little control over the behavior of their sons and daughters; letting the child do whatever he or she wants, since, it is the best way for the sons or daughters not to bother them; showing little affection; being distant with their sons and daughters, that is, having little availability for them; having poor communication; not playing with them and ignoring tastes, interests and abilities.
However, one of the biggest signs of indifference is thinking that sons and daughters are too young to understand (Garduza, 2019). Parents often say, "leave them alone, they are just children." This implies that no matter what they do, it is okay because they are children. However, according to Gardunza (2019), if they are not taught good manners from an early age, things can get complicated as they get older, since, they were never taught to listen.
Likewise, it is a mistake to think that a young child should not be told the why of situations; if not now, when? Of course, age-appropriate language should be used (Garduza, 2019). Corresponding with Gardunza (2019), engaging in conversation with them from a young age helps caregivers to always maintain good communication with their sons and daughters, since, they will be used to listening to their caregivers and most of the time they will turn to them when they feel vulnerable.
In short, when an indifferent parenting style prevails, children's development is affected, since they depend on adult guidance (Torres, 2022). According to Torres (2022), the indifference of adults who are significant for children fosters a poor self-concept and low self-esteem, since, in order to feel loved and valued, every child needs attention, listening and companionship.
Consequences of Caregiver Indifference
Affection, communication with children, and behavioral control are fundamental elements to transmit security to children (Ocampo, 2018). Corresponding with Ocampo (2018), if a caregiver does not care about their children's school grades, their children's problems, or their behavior, it sends the negative message that they do not care about them, that they do not care about what happens to them, which, has negative consequences for children's development.
According to Gardunza (2019) and Ocampo (2018), some of the consequences of the indifference of caregivers on children are: low self-concept and low self-esteem; selfishness; aggressiveness; not knowing how to assume responsibilities; vulnerability to personal and social conflicts; little or no social skills; little empathy towards others; school failure; greater probability of becoming involved in risky behaviors and too much emotional dependence on others, since, what they do not find at home they look for in their peers or in other adults.
Garduza, T. (2019). Padres indiferentes en la crianza de sus hijos. Educación en Casa. Recuperado 25 de agosto de 2022, de
Ocampo, J. (2018). El impacto de la indiferencia de los padres sobre los hijos. Recuperado 25 de agosto de 2022, de
Redondo, A. (2019). Estilo educativo indiferente o negligente. Pediatria Salud. Recuperado 25 de agosto de 2022, de
Torres, I. (2022). Estilo de crianza: ¿cómo influye en el desarrollo y comportamiento de los niños? Baby Daily. Recuperado 25 de agosto de 2022, de