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Juliana Eljach
Mar 29, 20213 min read
Human Conception from Behavioral Psychology
Behaviorism, also known as the psychology of behavior, is a learning theory based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through...
Juliana Eljach
Mar 26, 20214 min read
Discovering Behaviorism
Currently, psychology includes a variety of theoretical orientations, comparable, in some ways, to political ideologies or religious...
Juliana Eljach
Feb 8, 20216 min read
What is the Difference Between Clinical Psychologists and Neuropsychologists?
Although clinical psychology and neuropsychology are methods that share many fields, it is necessary to know the differences between them...
Juliana Eljach
Jan 12, 20215 min read
Aspects That Constitute a Psychopathology
It is necessary to ask questions such as: is there a line that distinguishes "normal" from "abnormal"? and how do people know when it has...
Juliana Eljach
Jan 11, 20217 min read
Myths of Going to the Psychologist
Currently, many people who face different obstacles in their daily life, decide to seek a psychologist to overcome these problems and...
Juliana Eljach
Dec 22, 20207 min read
Classification of Mental Disorders
Mental and behavioral disorders are one of the major public mental health problems (Gutiérrez et al., n. d.). They are common in...
Juliana Eljach
Dec 7, 20205 min read
What is the Difference Between Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrists?
Ironically, although the mind turns people into conscious and intelligent beings, it remains one of the greatest mysteries of science...
Juliana Eljach
Dec 1, 20205 min read
Normality and Abnormality
The concept "normal" is used frequently and indiscriminately in today's society (Sanfeliciano, 2018). On many occasions, people hear that...
Juliana Eljach
Oct 26, 20204 min read
Functions of the Clinical Psychologist
Psychology is a discipline that is full of myths and stereotypes, which equate psychologists as a God of the mental, a judge of behavior...
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