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Charting the Path to Academic Success

Writer's picture: Juliana EljachJuliana Eljach

Education is a complex process that involves different stakeholders, including caregivers, educators, and healthcare professionals (Delgado, 2022). Each of them plays a crucial role in the development and academic performance of children. According to a study conducted at the University of Atlántico, it is evident that stimulating academic achievement also contributes to the development of critical thinking in children (Alquichire & Arrieta, 2018). Therefore, it is essential to foster close collaboration between educators, healthcare professionals, and caregivers to effectively achieve this goal.

Alliance for Educational Success

The connection between caregivers, schools, and children is crucial in collaborative work (Roldán, 2020). This connection establishes a foundation for the educational and emotional success of students by providing them with a supportive and guiding environment that enhances their skills and knowledge (Roldán, 2020). The involvement of caregivers in their children's education strengthens the learning process and fosters trust and motivation. According to Delgado (2022), children feel supported and valued when they see their caregivers and teachers working hand in hand to provide them with the best learning opportunities.

Furthermore, families play a leadership role in this collaboration and can assist teachers in the classroom teaching process (Delgado, 2022). By closely understanding the needs and strengths of their children, caregivers can offer valuable information to teachers, enabling them to adapt their educational approach and provide personalized attention to each student. In line with Delgado (2022), this synergy between caregivers and teachers creates an enriching and stimulating learning environment where the holistic development of students is fostered.

The Key Lies in Communication

Establishing appropriate communication channels is the first step to achieving this collaboration (Fernández, 2022). By maintaining regular communication, teachers can inform families about school events and participation opportunities, generating enthusiasm and commitment from caregivers to get involved in their children's education (Fernández, 2022). This can include the use of emails or online messaging applications where families can receive relevant information. However, communication should not be limited to just providing information but also to actively listening to the concerns and questions of caregivers, creating a space for dialogue and constructive feedback.

Another effective strategy is conducting interviews among caregivers, teachers, and students (Guerrero, 2023). According to Fernández (2022), these interviews provide a space where families can offer their support and understanding to educators, while teachers can gather valuable information about the students and their individual needs.

Empowering Children's Academic Performance

Educators and healthcare professionals play a crucial role in providing caregivers with effective parenting strategies that can support their children's learning (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2020). By sharing these strategies, families are equipped with the necessary tools to foster academic success in their children (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2020). According to Delgado (2022), these strategies encompass a wide range of approaches, from establishing routines and clear boundaries to promoting healthy study habits and much more.

Autonomy and intrinsic motivation are strategies to promote the development and academic performance of children. This involves allowing them to make decisions and assume age-appropriate responsibilities, encouraging them to learn on their own and discover new things. One way to achieve this is by encouraging them to participate in sports, as it not only contributes to their health but also enhances their concentration and academic performance (Delgado, 2022). Through this involvement, they learn to make decisions about how to play, how to improve their skills, and how to work as a team. This gives them the opportunity to take responsibility for their own development and learn to face challenges that come their way.

Another simple yet effective strategy is the choice of a supportive educational platform, which can motivate children and help them improve their outcomes (Delgado, 2022). By seeking online resources that reinforce school content, caregivers provide their children with an additional tool for their academic growth. Furthermore, in line with Delgado (2022), online tutoring represents a valuable option to overcome any academic difficulties that may arise.

Supporting Children's Academic Performance

In the pursuit of improving children's academic performance, it is crucial to consider the individual needs of each student. To achieve this, educators and healthcare professionals can work together (Peterson & Elam, 2020). This collaboration proves beneficial as healthcare professionals provide information about the health and well-being of children, while educators provide specific data about their academic performance. Peterson & Elam (2020) mention that, thanks to this synergy, educators can adapt the curriculum and meet individual needs more effectively.

However, in practice, identifying and supporting students with difficulties can pose a significant challenge (ED100, 2022). In places like California, where there is a shortage of trained special education teachers, elementary school teachers in regular classrooms take on the responsibility of identifying and assisting children who require additional support. In line with ED100 (2022), it is in this context that parents and teachers play a crucial role by being able to recognize potential learning issues early on, provided they are attentive to the symptoms.

Apoyo en el Hogar y en la Escuela

Para lograr un ambiente de apoyo tanto en el hogar como en la escuela, es esencial que los cuidadores y los educadores trabajen en conjunto (ED100, 2022). La colaboración entre ambas partes es fundamental para crear un entorno positivo que fomente el amor por el aprendizaje y establezca expectativas realistas (ED100, 2022). De acuerdo con el Centro de Aprendizaje y Conocimiento en la Primera Infancia (2021), una manera efectiva de lograr esto es celebrando los logros y reconocer el esfuerzo para mantener la motivación y el compromiso de los estudiantes. Un informe del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos (2021) destaca la importancia del apoyo social y emocional para mejorar el rendimiento académico. Por lo tanto, es crucial que los cuidadores y los educadores colaboren para crear un entorno de apoyo en el hogar y en la escuela, proporcionando una base sólida para el éxito académico.

En el hogar, los cuidadores tienen un papel fundamental en la creación de un espacio acogedor y afectuoso (Centro de Aprendizaje y Conocimiento en la Primera Infancia, 2021). Esto se debe a que los niños y niñas se sienten cómodos y seguros cuando los cuidadores y los miembros de la familia son intencionales en la creación de un entorno acogedor. Además, conforme con el Centro de Aprendizaje y Conocimiento en la Primera Infancia (2021), es esencial asignar un lugar y horario específicos para realizar las tareas escolares, revisar las asignaciones y proyectos, y conversar diariamente con los hijos sobre sus actividades escolares.

En la escuela, los educadores pueden establecer una cultura de inclusión y respeto que involucre a todos los estudiantes (Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos, 2019). También pueden asistir a la reunión de inicio de clases y a las reuniones entre padres y maestros, visitar la escuela y su sitio web, y apoyar las expectativas de la tarea en el hogar (Hoffses, 2018). En correspondencia con Hoffses (2018), la tarea para el hogar en la escuela primaria refuerza y extiende el aprendizaje en el salón de clases y ayuda a los niños a poner en práctica habilidades importantes de estudio.


  1. Alquichire, S.L., & Arrieta, J.C. (2018). Relación entre Habilidades de Pensamiento Crítico y Rendimiento Académico. Dialnet. Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de

  2. Centro de Aprendizaje y Conocimiento en la Primera Infancia. (2021, 22 marzo). El Aprendizaje en el Hogar y en Entornos Similares. Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de

  3. Delgado, J. (2022). ¿Cómo mejorar el rendimiento académico de los niños? Etapa Infantil. Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de

  4. Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos. (2019, 5 diciembre). Creación de un Entorno Seguro. Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de

  5. ED100. (2022). Necesidades Especiales: ¿Por qué no Enseñar a Todos los Niños de la Misma Manera? Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de

  6. Fernández, A. (2022). La importancia de la comunicación entre familias y escuela. Eres Mamá. Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de

  7. Guerrero, J. A. (2023). 8 Estrategias para Involucrar a los Padres de Familia con la Escuela. Docentes al Día. Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de

  8. Hoffses, K. (2018). 10 Maneras de Ayudar a su Hijo a Lograr el Éxito en la Escuela Primaria. Kids Health. Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de

  9. National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2020). Prácticas Apropiadas al Desarrollo. Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de

  10. Peterson, G., & Elam, E. (2020). Observación y Evaluación en la Educación de la Primera Infancia. Child Development. Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de

  11. Roldán, M. J. (2020). La importancia de la participación de los padres en la escuela. Etapa Infantil. Recuperado 9 de junio de 2023, de



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