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Enhancing Academic Success through Positive Parenting and School Collaboration

Writer's picture: Juliana EljachJuliana Eljach

Education plays a fundamental role in the comprehensive development of children and youth, providing them with the necessary tools to grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially. In this sense, caregivers play a crucial role in the academic success of their sons and daughters, as their influence on motivation, self-esteem, and emotional well-being can make a difference in their school performance and attitude towards learning (Drevitch, 2021). Positive parenting emerges as an effective strategy to support the cognitive and emotional development of boys and girls, while helping caregivers establish realistic expectations regarding the academic performance of their children.

Positive Parenting: Key to Academic Success

Positive parenting is an approach to child-rearing that focuses on the emotional well - being of children and the creation of a safe and affectionate home environment (Mecking, 2020). It is based on the idea of fostering a respectful and loving relationship between caregivers and children, promoting open communication, emotional support, and the establishment of clear yet flexible boundaries.

The importance of parenting styles in children's academic development has been the subject of research in various studies. One such study conducted by Robledo (2019) revealed that parenting styles play a fundamental role in the academic performance of children aged 3 to 5. This study found that children who received positive parenting, characterized by an affectionate, stimulating, and structured environment, showed better results in terms of academic achievements.

Furthermore, another study conducted by Mendoza et al. (2019) also highlighted the importance of parenting practices in students' academic performance. This study found a significant effect of parental practices on children's academic performance, supporting the idea that parenting plays a decisive role in educational success. Together, these findings underscore the relevance of positive parenting as an effective tool to enhance children's academic performance.

Realistic Expectations and Loving Support

It is important for caregivers to establish realistic and achievable expectations for their children (Aranzábal, 2021). By doing so, they provide a clear and understandable framework for their children's academic progress. Striking the right balance between challenging children and providing them with necessary support is crucial for their academic success (Mecking, 2020). This involves recognizing and valuing each child's individual skills and abilities. Caregivers should expect their children to participate and make an effort, encouraging them to reach their full potential, but they should also be aware of their limitations and not demand more than they are capable of.

In this regard, the Atenea Studies Center (2023) emphasizes the importance of understanding that each child has a unique pace and style of learning. As a result, caregivers must pay attention to the individual signals and needs of their children, adapting their expectations and support accordingly. This involves fostering a supportive and encouraging environment, where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities and progress is valued more than immediate results.

Caregivers' expectations have a significant impact on the development of their children (Seifert, 2021). They can help nurture children's self-esteem and stimulate healthy development (Seifert, 2021). When caregivers have realistic and appropriate expectations, they provide an environment where children feel supported and motivated to achieve their goals. These expectations can instill confidence in their abilities and capacities, which in turn strengthens their self-concept and promotes healthy emotional and cognitive growth.

However, excessive expectations can have negative effects, such as feelings of failure and stress. Children may constantly feel like they are not meeting their caregivers' expectations, undermining their self-esteem and creating a constant state of anxiety. Furthermore, unrealistic expectations can lead to a perfectionistic mindset, where children constantly feel pressured to excel in all aspects of their lives, which can be exhausting and detrimental to their emotional and mental well-being.

Therefore, it is important for caregivers to understand what expectations are and recognize their origins. Often, caregivers' expectations are influenced by their own unfulfilled experiences and desires. It is essential for caregivers to reflect on their own expectations and work towards developing realistic and objective expectations for their children. This involves considering each child's individual abilities, interests, and needs, fostering an environment of unconditional acceptance and love.

Teaching Study Skills and Motivation

Study habits are the best predictor of academic success, even more so than intelligence or memory level (University of Granada, 2021). Therefore, it is important for caregivers to teach their children study skills and organization from an early age. To do so, caregivers can establish study routines, manage time effectively, and create a conducive learning environment at home (Mecking, 2020). Additionally, according to Ramirez (2023), caregivers can provide practical advice to help their children stay focused and motivated in their academic tasks.

Another important aspect for fostering effective study habits is motivation. According to a study conducted at a federal institute of technology in Mexico City, students face issues due to a lack of strategies to increase motivation and self-esteem (Hernández et al., 2012). Therefore, it is essential for caregivers to help their children stay motivated and focused on their academic tasks. To do so, in line with Ramirez (2023), caregivers can establish realistic goals and celebrate achieved accomplishments.

Open and Affectionate Communication

Maintaining open and honest communication with children about their academic experiences and challenges is crucial for their academic success (Mecking, 2020). Caregivers can provide emotional support and create a safe environment where children feel comfortable expressing their concerns and seeking help when needed. Effective and affectionate communication benefits children and every member of the family throughout their lives. Therefore, it is important for caregivers to actively listen to their children and provide the necessary support to overcome academic challenges.

The way caregivers communicate with their children not only teaches them how to communicate with others but also shapes their emotional development and their ability to relate to others (UNICEF, 2023). Effective communication between caregivers and children goes beyond the words exchanged and includes the actions and gestures that accompany those messages. Children constantly absorb information from their environment, and interactions with their caregivers provide a crucial framework for understanding how they should relate to others. Therefore, according to UNICEF (2023), it is important for caregivers to communicate effectively with their young children to strengthen the bond through both their words and actions.

Collaboration Between Caregivers and School

Collaboration between caregivers and school is essential to improve children's academic performance (Mecking, 2020). School and family are two contexts that play an important role in the development of children and adolescents. Therefore, it is important to establish a collaborative relationship with the teachers of the children and actively participate in their education. This implies not only staying informed about their academic progress but also being attentive to any significant changes in their behavior, attitude, or performance during the school year. The U.S. Department of Education (2003) mentions that if caregivers notice a major change in their child's behavior, academic performance, or attitude during the school year, they should immediately contact the teacher.

Furthermore, caregivers should take the opportunity to share relevant information about their children's talents, skills, interests, and study habits (U.S. Department of Education, 2003). By providing details about their child's strengths and areas for improvement, caregivers help teachers better understand the child's specific academic needs. This may include more sensitive aspects, such as self-esteem issues related to weight or speech difficulties. The U.S. Department of Education (2003) mentions that by being open and willing to discuss these topics, caregivers contribute to the teacher's ability to adapt their educational approach and provide appropriate support to help the child overcome any challenges.


  1. Aranzábal, K. (2021). Las Expectativas Realistas con los Hijos. Katia Aranzábal. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, de

  2. Centro de Estudios Atenea. (2023). Guía de Padres Para Ayudar a sus Hijos a Lograr el Éxito Académico. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, de

  3. Drevitch, G. (2021). La Crianza Positiva y el Desarrollo Cognitivo en la Infancia. Psychology Today. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, de

  4. Hernández, C. A., Rodríguez, N., & Vargas, Á. E. (2012). Los Hábitos de Estudio y Motivación Para el Aprendizaje de los Alumnos en Tres Carreras de Ingeniería en un Tecnológico Federal de la Ciudad de México. Scielo. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, de

  5. Mecking, O. (2020). Qué es la Crianza Intensiva y por qué Cada vez Tiene más Éxito en Europa a la Hora de Educar a los Hijos. BBC News Mundo. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, de

  6. Mendoza, K.B, et al. (2019). Efectos de las Prácticas de Crianza Sobre el Rendimiento Académico y su Contribución a la Terapia Psicológica. Redalyc. Recuperado 7 de junio de 2023, de

  7. Ramirez, S. (2023, 5 marzo). Cómo Fomentar Hábitos de Estudio Efectivos Para Niños. Que Buenas Ideas. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, de

  8. Robledo, L.J. (2019). Influencia de las Pautas de Crianza en el Desempeño Escolar con Niños de 3 a 5 Años. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, de

  9. Seifert, C. (2021, 20 noviembre). ¿Qué Efectos Tienen las Expectativas de los Padres en los Hijos? eHow en Español. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, de

  10. UNICEF. (2023). Cómo Comunicarte de Manera Efectiva con tus Hijos Pequeños. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, de

  11. Universidad de Granada. (2021). Hábitos de Estudio. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, deábitos%20de%20Estudio.pdf

  12. U.S. Department of Education. (2003). Cómo Colaborar con los Maestros y las Escuelas. Recuperado 8 de junio de 2023, de



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