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Writer's pictureJuliana Eljach

Consistent Parenting and Academic Performance

Parenting is an inherent process in human beings that involves a relationship between organisms from different generations, and their interaction provides resources related to survival, reproduction, care, and socialization (Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar, 2019). Parenting involves contextual properties and characteristics that encompass the implicit idea of diversity. It is a spectrum of activities that caregivers engage in with their children and the management of available resources aimed at supporting the process of psychological development. In accordance with Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar (2019), parenting involves specific components such as health, learning opportunities, and love.

Consistency in Parenting

Consistency in parenting style is crucial in providing a stable and predictable environment for children (Sabater, 2020). A study indicates that being consistent in expectations, routines, and parental support contributes to academic performance (Mosquera, 2015). Children who grow up in a consistent environment are more likely to achieve long-term academic and personal success. Furthermore, according to Raya, Erreruzo & Pino (2008), consistency in parenting also helps children develop social and emotional skills, such as the ability to establish healthy relationships and regulate their emotions.

It is important to highlight that consistency in parenting is also significant for children's cognitive development. Those who grow up in a consistent environment are more likely to develop strong academic skills and a foundation for long-term success (Sabater, 2020). Corresponding to Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar (2019), consistent parenting also contributes to the development of critical thinking and problem-solving, enabling children to face academic and personal challenges with confidence.

The democratic style is most successful in parenting children with good academic performance and emotional stability (Lloyd, 2022). However, most caregivers do not strictly adhere to a single parenting style; instead, they tend to be a combination of various styles. The issue is that strict rule-based parenting may have an impact on affection and communication. When children are very young, a strictly run household may seem quite orderly and admirable, but as children enter adolescence and experiment with independence, they may become so afraid of their caregivers' censure that they become reserved. Therefore, according to Lloyd (2022), it is important for caregivers to find a balance between consistency and empathy with the child's perspective.

The Power of Consistent Parenting

The academic success of children is closely linked to how they are raised. Numerous studies have shown a direct relationship between parenting styles and students' academic performance. Consistency in parenting promotes discipline, commitment, and responsibility, which are fundamental elements for academic success (Molina, Ramírez & Sierra, 2020). In addition to fostering discipline, consistent parenting also helps children develop important social and emotional skills, such as establishing healthy relationships and effectively regulating their emotions (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). According to Mosquera (2015), consistency in expectations, routines, and parental support positively contributes to academic achievement.

Furthermore, consistent parenting is also associated with a decrease in school dropout rates and grade repetition. In Colombia, for example, there was a 4.81% dropout rate in secondary education, 1.7% of the student population repeated a grade, and 91.44% successfully completed the academic year (Mendoza, et al., 2019). A study conducted in a rural school in Palestine, Caldas, found a direct relationship between parenting practices and students' academic performance (Valero, 2021). The results indicate that parenting practices are related to students' academic achievement, suggesting that consistency in parenting is an important factor for academic success.

The Impact of Inconsistent Parenting on Academic Performance

The way caregivers raise their children can have a significant impact on their academic performance. When caregivers are inconsistent in their approach, they can create confusion and lack of motivation in boys and girls, which affects their school performance (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). Additionally, the lack of structure and parental support can contribute to a lack of motivation and confusion, which can also have a significant impact on children's academic performance (Peña, 2022). Finally, in line with Mosquera (2015), children who grow up in an inconsistent environment may have difficulty following rules and meeting academic expectations, which can negatively affect their academic performance.

Keys to Consistent Parenting

Raising children is a complex and challenging task that requires specific skills and strategies to be effective. From a psychological perspective, caregivers can benefit from several recommendations that will help them be consistent and assertive in their daily parenting approach.

Assertive communication plays a fundamental role in the process of raising children. Therefore, according to Eslava, Mora & Murillo (2022), it is essential for caregivers to promote this type of communication within the family. This involves the ability to express one's own feelings and needs clearly and respectfully, avoiding verbally attacking others and not allowing others to disrespect them. When caregivers demonstrate attentive listening and show understanding towards what their children express, the children feel heard, valued, and understood. This contributes to their healthy emotional development and strengthens their self-esteem, as they perceive that their opinions and experiences are taken into account.

In addition to the aforementioned aspects, it is crucial to highlight the importance of caregivers working as a team to ensure effective and healthy parenting. This collaborative effort involves open and constant communication between caregivers, where individual needs of the children are discussed and considered (Dowshen, 2015). When caregivers work as a team, a family environment is created where active participation of all members is encouraged, and the use of children as intermediaries or tools of manipulation in conflict situations is avoided. Instead, according to Dowshen (2015), a dynamic is promoted where decisions are made jointly, taking into account the well-being and needs of each child.

Likewise, according to Our Family Wizard, honesty in communication between caregivers and children plays a fundamental role in parenting. It is important for caregivers to be honest when explaining situations clearly and respectfully. This sincere and transparent attitude provides children with a sense of trust in their caregivers and in themselves. When caregivers are honest in addressing difficult situations such as family problems, changes in routines, or important decisions, they provide children with the opportunity to understand and process reality properly. By receiving accurate and truthful information, children feel secure and prepared to face the challenges that may arise.

According to Dowshen (2015), dedicating quality time to children is a crucial aspect of parenting. It is essential for caregivers to establish a space exclusively dedicated to them, where they can enjoy shared and meaningful activities. These interactions not only strengthen the emotional bond between caregivers and children but also develop a deep sense of closeness and emotional connection. When caregivers make time for their children, they convey an important message: that they are valued and loved. These shared experiences foster trust and emotional security in children, as they feel they have a special place in their caregivers' lives.

Finally, according to Ramírez (2005), the democratic parenting style is widely supported and recommended by experts in child psychology due to its numerous benefits in children's development. This style is characterized by being balanced, flexible, and respectful, and is based on the idea of establishing an equal relationship between caregivers and children, promoting active participation and the free expression of children in family decision-making.

El Camino hacia el Éxito Académico y Personal

La manera en que los cuidadores crían a sus hijos juega un papel fundamental en su éxito tanto académico como personal a largo plazo. En correspondencia con Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar (2019), tener una crianza constante y estable les brinda las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar habilidades importantes como la autodisciplina, la perseverancia, la resiliencia y la capacidad de establecer y alcanzar metas tanto académicas como personales. Los niños y niñas que crecen en un entorno familiar consistente tienen más probabilidades de tener éxito tanto en su rendimiento académico como en su vida personal a largo plazo (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). Por consiguiente, es fundamental que los cuidadores se esfuercen por ser consistentes en su forma de criar a sus hijos, ya que esto tendrá un impacto significativo en su rendimiento académico y en su futuro.


  1. Dowshen, S. (2015). Nueve Pasos Para una Crianza más Eficaz. Nemours KidsHealth. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  2. Eslava, M. V., Mora, A. M., & Murillo, P. A. (2022). Comunicación Asertiva y Pautas de Crianza Usadas Por Padres Jóvenes en Tiempos de COVID - 19. Universidad Santo Tomás. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  3. Herrera, O., Bedoya, L., & Alviar, M. (2019). Crianza Contemporánea: Formas de Acompañamiento, Significados y Comprensiones Desde las Realidades Familiares. Redalyc. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  4. Lloyd, C. (2022, April 9). ¿Cuál es tu Estilo de Crianza? Great Schools. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  5. Mendoza, K.B., et al. (2019). Efectos de las Prácticas de Crianza Sobre el Rendimiento Académico y su Contribución a la Terapia Psicológica. Redalyc. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  6. Molina, D., Ramírez, K., & Sierra, J. (2020). Estilos de crianza y Rendimiento Académico en un Grupo de Estudiantes de Básica Primaria de un Centro Educativo del Corregimiento Altavista, Medellín 2020. Corporación Universitaria Minuto De Dios. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  7. Mosquera, L.M. (2015). Influencia del Estilo de Crianza Familiar en el Aprendizaje Significativo de los Estudiantes de Inicial II de la Escuela de Educación Básica 24 de Julio del Cantón de Santa Elena, Provincia de Santa Elena Durante el año Lectivo 2014 - 2015. Universidad Estatal Península De Santa Elena. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  8. Our Family Wizard. (n.d.). La Crianza de los Hijos Después del Divorcio: 10 Maneras de Hacer que la Crianza Compartida Funcione. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  9. Peña, R. (2021). Cómo Influyen los Estilos Educativos Parentales en el Rendimiento Académico Según Alumnos/as de Formación Profesional. Universidad De Valencia. Retrieved June 7, 2023, fromña.pdf?sequence=1

  10. Ramírez, M. A. (2005). Padres y Desarrollo de los Hijos: Prácticas de Crianza. Estudios Pedagógicos (Valdivia), 31(2).

  11. Raya, A.F., Herreruzo, J., & Pino, M.J. (2008). El estilo de Crianza Parental y su Relación con la Hiperactividad. Redalyc. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  12. Sabater, V. (2022, January 20). Frases de Sabiduría Sobre la Crianza de los Hijos. La Mente Es Maravillosa. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  13. Valero, G. E. (2021). Prácticas de Crianza y su Relación con el Rendimiento Académico en un Colegio Rural del Municipio de Palestina, Caldas. Universidad Católica De Manizales. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

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