Parenting is a fundamental process in human life, establishing an interaction between different generations, with the primary goal of ensuring survival, reproduction, care, and socialization (Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar, 2019). This process not only involves direct interaction between generations, but it is also marked by diversity, as the characteristics and contextual conditions vary from one culture to another and from one family to another. Within this process, caregivers carry out various activities aimed at supporting the holistic development of children. This includes managing available resources to facilitate the psychological growth of children. In this regard, according to Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar (2019), the key components of parenting include health, learning opportunities, and love, essential elements that ensure healthy and full development.
Consistency in Parenting
Consistency in parenting style is essential to provide a stable and predictable environment, which favors the well-being of children (Sabater, 2020). Several studies have shown that maintaining clear expectations, establishing regular routines, and offering constant support significantly contribute to academic performance and personal development (Mosquera, 2015). Children who grow up in a consistent environment are more likely to experience success both academically and personally, reinforcing their confidence and motivation (Mosquera, 2015). Moreover, according to Raya, Erreruzo & Pino (2008), consistency also has a positive impact on the development of social and emotional skills, such as the ability to form healthy relationships and manage emotions appropriately.
A consistent environment also has an important influence on children's cognitive development (Sabater, 2020). Those who grow up in a stable and predictable environment are more likely to develop strong academic skills, which will serve as a foundation for their future success (Sabater, 2020). In line with Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar (2019), consistent parenting not only fosters learning but also contributes to the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are fundamental to facing both academic and personal challenges with confidence.
The democratic parenting style, which balances firmness with empathy, has been shown to be the most successful in fostering good academic performance and emotional stability in children (Lloyd, 2022). However, it is important to highlight that many caregivers do not adhere to a single parenting style but tend to combine different approaches. In this regard, an overly strict parenting style based solely on rigid rules can negatively affect communication and affection between parents and children. Although this approach may seem orderly and effective when children are young, during adolescence, when children begin to explore their independence, it can create fear of criticism, leading teenagers to become more reserved. As a result, according to Lloyd (2022), it is essential for caregivers to find a balance between being consistent in their expectations and being empathetic to the children's perspectives.
The Power of Consistent Parenting
Students' academic performance is closely related to the parenting styles they are exposed to (Molina, Ramírez & Sierra, 2020). Various studies have shown a direct connection between parenting styles and students' academic performance. Consistency in parenting practices fosters discipline, commitment, and responsibility, key factors for academic success (Molina, Ramírez & Sierra, 2020). In addition to contributing to greater discipline, consistent parenting allows children to develop essential social and emotional skills, such as the ability to form healthy relationships and manage their emotions appropriately (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). Finally, in line with Mosquera (2015), consistent parenting in terms of expectations, routines, and parental support has a positive impact on academic performance.
Moreover, it has been observed that consistency in parenting styles also plays an important role in reducing school dropout and grade repetition (Mendoza et al., 2019). In Colombia, for example, the academic dropout rate in secondary education was recorded at 4.81%, with 1.7% of students repeating the school year. Despite these figures, 91.44% of students passed the grade by the end of the academic year (Mendoza et al., 2019). A study conducted in a rural school in Palestina, Caldas, showed a direct relationship between parenting practices and academic performance (Valero, 2021). According to Valero (2021), the results suggest that consistent parenting practices are determinants of children's academic success.
The Impact of Inconsistent Parenting on Academic Performance
The caregiving style plays a crucial role in children's academic performance (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). In situations where caregivers do not maintain a consistent approach, children may experience confusion and a decrease in motivation, negatively affecting their school performance (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). The lack of structure and support from parents also contributes to demotivation and confusion, which directly impacts children's academic performance (Peña, 2022). According to Mosquera (2015), children who grow up in an inconsistent environment often have difficulty adapting to rules and meeting academic expectations, which can result in poor school performance.
Keys to Consistent Parenting
Parenting is a complex task that requires specific skills and strategies to be effective (Eslava, Mora & Murillo, 2022). From a psychological perspective, several recommendations exist for caregivers to be consistent and assertive in their daily parenting approach. Assertive communication plays a fundamental role in the parenting process. Therefore, it is essential that caregivers foster this type of communication at home. Assertiveness involves the ability to express one's feelings and needs clearly and respectfully, avoiding both verbal aggression and allowing others to disrespect. When caregivers practice active listening and show understanding of what their children express, children feel heard, valued, and understood. According to Eslava, Mora & Murillo (2022), this strengthens their self-esteem and contributes to emotional development, as they perceive that their opinions and experiences are taken into account.
It is equally important for caregivers to work as a team to ensure effective parenting (Dowshen, 2015). This collaboration involves constant and open communication between caregivers, who must discuss and consider the individual needs of their children. When caregivers collaborate closely, a family environment is created where all members participate actively. This prevents children from being used as intermediaries or manipulation tools in conflict situations. Instead, in line with Dowshen (2015), a dynamic of joint decision-making is promoted, always centered on the well-being and needs of each child.
Honesty in communication is another crucial aspect of parenting. According to Our Family Wizard, caregivers should be honest in explaining difficult situations clearly and respectfully. This honesty gives children a sense of trust both in their caregivers and in themselves. When facing complicated situations, such as family issues or changes in routine, children have the opportunity to process reality appropriately, helping them feel secure and prepared to face any challenges.
Quality time dedication is also an essential aspect of parenting (Dowshen, 2015). It is important for caregivers to establish exclusive spaces to spend time with their children, engaging in meaningful activities that strengthen the emotional bond. These interactions not only reinforce closeness and emotional connection but also convey a clear message to children: they are valued and loved. According to Dowshen (2015), shared experiences foster trust and emotional security in children, who feel safe knowing they hold a special place in their caregivers' lives.
Finally, the democratic parenting style is widely recommended by child psychology experts (Ramírez, 2005). This approach is characterized by being balanced, flexible, and respectful. It is based on creating an egalitarian relationship between caregivers and children, promoting active participation and free expression from children in family decision-making. In line with Ramírez (2005), this style favors the development of autonomous, responsible, and emotionally healthy children.
El Camino hacia el Éxito Académico y Personal
The way caregivers raise their children has a crucial impact on their long-term academic and personal success (Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar, 2019). Stable and consistent parenting provides the necessary tools for developing key skills such as self-discipline, perseverance, resilience, and the ability to set and achieve goals in various areas of life. Children who grow up in a consistent family environment are more likely to achieve good academic results and attain balance in their personal life (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). Therefore, according to Raya, Herreruzo & Pino (2008), it is essential for caregivers to maintain consistent parenting, as this approach not only positively influences academic performance but also plays a fundamental role in the children's well-being and future success.
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