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Services (8)

  • Estimulación Cognitiva

    * El precio está indicado en pesos colombianos * La estimulación neuropsicológica es un enfoque diseñado para mejorar las funciones cerebrales y cognitivas a través de la activación y fortalecimiento de las conexiones neuronales. A diferencia de la rehabilitación, que se enfoca en recuperar habilidades perdidas por lesiones o trastornos, la estimulación neuropsicológica tiene como objetivo potenciar y mantener las funciones cerebrales en personas sin un déficit cognitivo significativo. Este proceso consiste en la aplicación de actividades específicas que activan áreas cerebrales concretas, mejorando la memoria, la atención, el razonamiento y otras funciones cognitivas. Las actividades incluyen ejercicios mentales, juegos interactivos, y técnicas que desafían y estimulan el cerebro de manera positiva. ¿Cómo funciona? Paso 1: Reserva tu espacio. Empieza por reservar tu cita de 1 hora. Puedes hacerlo fácilmente a través de nuestra página web o enviando un mensaje por WhatsApp a los datos de contacto disponibles. Paso 2: Evaluación inicial. En las primeras sesiones, realizaremos una evaluación inicial para conocer tus necesidades y capacidades cognitivas. Esta evaluación nos ayudará a entender mejor cómo podemos apoyarte. Paso 3: Diseño del plan de intervención. Con base en los resultados de la evaluación, crearemos un plan de intervención personalizado. Este plan incluirá una variedad de actividades y ejercicios diseñados específicamente para estimular y mejorar tus habilidades cognitivas. Paso 4: Implementación del programa. Durante las sesiones de Estimulación Neuropsicológica, trabajaremos contigo para llevar a cabo el plan de intervención. Esto incluirá ejercicios de memoria, rompecabezas, actividades de atención plena y juegos que desafían y fortalecen tus habilidades cognitivas. Paso 5: Seguimiento y ajuste. Después de varias sesiones, evaluaremos tu progreso y realizaremos ajustes al plan según sea necesario para asegurarnos de que estés alcanzando tus objetivos. ¡Estamos aquí para apoyarte en cada paso del camino! ¿Por qué elegirnos? Equipo Especializado: Contamos con un grupo de neuropsicólogos altamente capacitados, dedicados a ofrecer un servicio de calidad y atención personalizada. Enfoque Personalizado: Cada sesión se adapta a las necesidades específicas de cada individuo, reconociendo y valorando la singularidad de cada caso para maximizar los beneficios.

  • Evaluación Neuropsicológica

    * El precio está indicado en pesos colombianos * El proceso neuropsicológico consta de 3 pasos. El segundo paso se centra en la aplicación de todas las pruebas necesarias. Este proceso se lleva a cabo en 3 a 4 sesiones, adaptadas específicamente a tus necesidades individuales. Aunque realizamos una evaluación exhaustiva de todas las funciones cognitivas, nos enfocamos en las áreas que realmente requieren atención, asegurando que cada sesión se ajuste a tus circunstancias particulares. Esto significa que, si necesitas un enfoque en memoria, atención o cualquier otra función, nosotros lo priorizaremos, brindándote un análisis detallado y completo que te ayudará a entender mejor tus capacidades y desafíos. ¿Cómo funciona? Paso 1: Reserva tu espacio. Reserva tu sesión de 2 horas a través de nuestra página web o por WhatsApp, eligiendo el horario que mejor te convenga. Paso 2: Preparación para la evaluación. Antes de la sesión, asegúrate de estar descansado y relajado. Puedes revisar cualquier documento que te hayamos enviado y preparar preguntas o inquietudes que desees abordar durante la evaluación. Paso 3: Evaluación cognitiva. Durante la sesión, realizaremos diversas pruebas estandarizadas para evaluar áreas como memoria, atención y funciones ejecutivas, brindándote una visión completa de tu funcionamiento cerebral. Paso 4: Análisis y retroalimentación. Una vez completadas las evaluaciones, analizaremos los resultados de manera exhaustiva. Te proporcionaremos una retroalimentación clara y comprensible sobre tus fortalezas, debilidades y áreas de mejora potencial, para que tengas una comprensión profunda de tu estado cognitivo. Paso 5: Plan de intervención. Desarrollaremos un plan de intervención individualizado basado en los resultados y tus objetivos personales, que incluirá recomendaciones de tratamiento y recursos de apoyo adaptados a tus necesidades. ¿Por qué elegirnos? Enfoque personalizado: Ofrecemos un abordaje individualizado que se adapta a tus necesidades específicas, garantizando que cada evaluación y plan de intervención sea relevante para ti. Evaluación integral: Realizamos una evaluación completa de todas las funciones cognitivas, utilizando pruebas estandarizadas para obtener una visión precisa de tu funcionamiento cerebral. Profesionales capacitados: Nuestro equipo está formado por expertos en neuropsicología, comprometidos con tu bienestar y con la experiencia necesaria para ofrecerte el mejor apoyo.

  • Consulta de Neuropsicología

    * El precio está indicado en pesos colombianos * El proceso de evaluación neuropsicológica se divide en tres pasos fundamentales, cada uno diseñado para brindarte una experiencia personalizada y completa. En nuestra primera sesión, dedicada a la historia clínica, nos sumergiremos en un espacio donde tu voz es lo más importante. Esta sesión de 1 hora está diseñada para conocerte mejor y entender tus necesidades. Te haré preguntas que te ayudarán a expresar tu motivo de consulta, así como aspectos relevantes de tu historia escolar y tu composición familiar. Cada detalle que compartas es esencial, ya que juntos construiremos un mapa único de tu trayectoria. Con base en la información que me proporciones, organizaré cuidadosamente las pruebas que aplicaremos en nuestras futuras sesiones. Este proceso no solo es una formalidad; es el primer paso para diseñar un plan de intervención que se ajuste perfectamente a ti. Recuerda, este es un espacio seguro y confidencial, donde cada respuesta cuenta. Tu bienestar es nuestra prioridad, y estoy aquí para acompañarte en este camino hacia una mejor calidad de vida. ¡Espero verte pronto y comenzar este proceso juntos! ¿Cómo funciona? Paso 1: Escoge tu horario. Lo primero que debes hacer es seleccionar el horario que mejor se ajuste a tu agenda. Puedes hacerlo de manera sencilla a través de la página web o enviando un mensaje por WhatsApp a los datos de contacto que encontrarás en la parte inferior. Paso 2: Confirma tu cita. Una vez que hayas elegido el horario, asegúrate de confirmar tu cita. Esto nos permitirá organizar todo para que tu sesión sea lo más efectiva posible. Paso 3: Disfruta la sesión. En el día y la hora acordados, estarás listo para tu sesión de consulta con un profesional de la neuropsicología. Te escucharemos con atención y respeto, te haremos preguntas para profundizar en tu situación y te proporcionaremos retroalimentación. También te orientaremos sobre los pasos a seguir, incluyendo si es necesaria una evaluación neuropsicológica y cómo puedes acceder a ella. ¿Por qué elegirnos? Experiencia: Contamos con un equipo de profesionales altamente capacitados en diversas áreas de la neuropsicología. Puedes confiar en que recibirás información precisa y actualizada, respaldada por años de experiencia. Confidencialidad: Valoramos tu privacidad. Todas nuestras interacciones son confidenciales, lo que te permite sentirte seguro y cómodo al compartir tu historia y preocupaciones.

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Blog Posts (164)

  • Franz Friedrich Anton Mesmer (1734 - 1815)

    Although hypnosis remains a topic of debate among many experts, it has been established as an effective tool for enhancing the results of psychotherapy, particularly in cases of insomnia, smoking cessation, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (Figueroba, 2017). However, in its early days, this procedure was considered unscientific, as even those who practiced it did not fully understand its mechanism. For a long time, hypnosis was known as "mesmerism," in reference to Franz Friedrich Anton Mesmer (1734–1815), the physician who popularized this technique. According to Figueroba (2017), Mesmer held peculiar theories about the effects of hypnosis, which generated both admiration and skepticism in his time. Biography Franz Friedrich Anton Mesmer was born in 1734 in Iznang, a village in southwestern Germany (Figueroba, 2017). He was the son of a forest ranger who worked for the local bishop (Rozo Castillo, 2007). Although Mesmer initially pursued studies in theology and law, he ultimately earned a doctorate in medicine from the University of Vienna, presenting a dissertation titled On the Influence of the Planets on the Human Body (Figueroba, 2017). This work has been controversial, as Mesmer was suspected of partially plagiarizing the writings of physician Richard Mead. In his dissertation, Mesmer proposed that the gravitational forces of celestial bodies influenced health and disease, intuitively expanding on the gravitational theories formulated by Isaac Newton . Over time, according to Figueroba (2017), Mesmer developed these ideas into the most famous concept of his work: animal magnetism. At the age of 33, he established himself as a physician in Vienna, though he felt dissatisfied with the medical treatments of the time, which he considered aggressive and ineffective (Figueroba, 2017). Alongside Jesuit priest Maximilian Hell, he discovered in 1771 what he called "animal magnetism," a theory he expounded in his work Message on Magnetic Healing. In this text, he attempted to reconcile the scientific principles of Newton and René Descartes with the astrology of Helmont and Paracelsus (Figueroba, 2017). According to Mesmer, an imperceptible fluid known as "mineral magnetism" permeates everything and regulates life through a constant law of attraction, repulsion, and balance (Fernández & Tamaro, 2004). This fluid also penetrates the human body, exerting a direct influence on the organism and maintaining harmony under certain astral influences. According to Fernández & Tamaro (2004), when external factors disrupt this balance, illness arises, which can be treated by counteracting the harmful influence within the body. A key case in his career was that of Francisca Österlin, a patient diagnosed with hysteria (Figueroba, 2017). Mesmer claimed to have transferred "animal magnetism" from his own body to Mrs. Österlin using magnets, successfully suppressing her symptoms for several hours. This case brought him notoriety in Vienna, although, due to a controversial case involving psychogenic blindness that cast doubt on his abilities, he decided to relocate to Paris in 1777. In France, he trained several disciples and sought official recognition for his methods. However, he also faced criticism, which eventually led to his exile in Switzerland. Mesmerism persisted after his death in 1815 through his followers, some of whom were respected physicians. According to Figueroba (2017), the field of hypnosis, which evolved from animal magnetism and from attempts by Mesmer’s critics to refute his ideas, was forever shaped by his legacy. The Evolution of Animal Magnetism: From Paracelsus to Mesmer The concept of animal magnetism was introduced by Swiss physician and astrologer Paracelsus in the 16th century (Bonis, 2024). Paracelsus argued that the human body was influenced by natural forces and that imbalances in these forces could lead to illness. This notion laid the groundwork for the later development of animal magnetism. However, according to Bonis (2024), to fully understand its origin and evolution, it is essential to look further back in time and explore the influences that shaped Paracelsus’s theories, particularly the humorism theory proposed by Hippocrates . Hippocrates' humorism theory asserts that human health depends on the balance of four bodily fluids: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile (Bonis, 2024). Each of these humors corresponds to one of the four classical elements (water, air, earth, and fire) and one of the basic qualities (cold, moist, dry, and hot). According to Hippocrates, an imbalance in these humors leads to illness and dysfunction, while their proper balance promotes health. This understanding of balance and imbalance was crucial in shaping Western medicine, providing a framework that endured for centuries. Furthermore, according to Bonis (2024), the influence of humorism extended to personality psychology, suggesting that imbalances not only affected physical health but also influenced people’s temperaments and behaviors. Paracelsus expanded on humorism by introducing the idea that external influences could affect bodily humors (Bonis, 2024). He proposed the existence of a universal life force, called the Archeus or archetypal principle, which animated the natural world. This principle had a magnetic nature and manifested in humans as personal or animal magnetism, capable of influencing the Archeus of other beings and the world itself. He suggested that the balance of humors—and thus health—could be restored not only through dietary changes or medicine but also through the manipulation of this force. He introduced the idea that magnets and other forms of magnetic influence could be used to rebalance humors and cure diseases. According to Bonis (2024), this conceptualization marked a departure from traditional medical practices, which focused on humorism, toward a more holistic approach that incorporated the energetic dimension of human beings. The term "animal magnetism" became widely known thanks to Mesmer (Bonis, 2024). He claimed that living beings possessed an invisible fluid, animal magnetism, which enabled nervous system functions and whose imbalance could cause various diseases (Figueroba, 2017). Consequently, his treatment method consisted of manipulating this magnetism. Mesmer initially used magnets to alter the concentration of animal magnetism in affected areas of the body, convinced that he could transfer this energy from his own body—where it was abundant—to his patients. Figueroba (2017) mentions that, over time, he abandoned the use of magnets and developed more elaborate therapeutic procedures. Mesmer's theories were based on the premise that animal fluid circulates spontaneously through the organism, although blockages could occasionally occur (Figueroba, 2017). He postulated that illnesses could be treated by inducing "crises" in patients, facilitated by individuals with high levels of animal magnetism, such as himself and his followers. To fully understand the significance of these claims, it is crucial to place them within the context of the 18th century, when concepts like magnetism and a "universal fluid" were widely accepted, as there were still alchemists who defended such beliefs. Likewise, according to Figueroba (2017), Newton's ideas about the existence of ether, a substance with similar characteristics, were also popular at the time. The Mesmer Technique: A Pioneering Approach to Therapy Mesmer would sit in front of his patients, allowing their knees to touch while staring intently into their eyes (Figueroba, 2017). At a later stage, he would rub the patient's arms with his hands while simultaneously applying pressure to their abdomen with his fingers for extended periods. This physical interaction sometimes triggered what he called "therapeutic crises," which could manifest as convulsions. At the end of the session, according to Figueroba (2017), he would use a glass harmonica as part of his closing ritual. Over time, and after gaining considerable fame, he began applying his treatments to large groups of people, many of whom were aristocrats seeking entertainment rather than a genuine medical solution (Figueroba, 2017). In these cases, Mesmer used a container with iron rods, which individuals had to place on the affected areas of their bodies. Despite the peculiar nature of his methods, Mesmer successfully alleviated various psychological disorders, particularly hysteria. Figueroba (2017) mentions that, although the hypotheses supporting his practice were ultimately incorrect, his procedures proved effective due to the power of autosuggestion, a mechanism later validated by scientific research. The Influence of Mesmerism on Modern Psychology Although mesmerism was discredited as a medical science and its theoretical foundations were questioned, its influence on the development of modern psychology and hypnotherapy is undeniable (Bonis, 2024). After Mesmer's death, the effects of mesmerism were attributed to the control of patients' behavior (Figueroba, 2017). However, according to Figueroba (2017), physicians such as John Elliotson and James Esdaile used Mesmer’s methods to treat psychogenic disorders and anesthetize patients; the latter use became less relevant with the introduction of chemical anesthetics. The transition from magnetism to hypnosis is credited to James Braid, a Scottish surgeon who coined the term "hypnotism" (Figueroba, 2017). Braid argued that the hypnotic state depended on the patient's physical and mental conditions rather than an abstract magnetic fluid. Nevertheless, he acknowledged the undeniable effectiveness of mesmerism in certain disorders. Additionally, some continued the tradition of magnetism, primarily to treat physical illnesses. Between the 18th and 19th centuries, the profession of "magnetizer" emerged—individuals who used magnets or gestures similar to those of Mesmer, based on his pseudoscientific theories. Due to the weakness of Mesmer's hypotheses, the hypnotists who followed him faced discredit from the scientific community. According to Figueroba (2017), this skepticism has largely persisted to the present day, despite the fact that hypnosis has been validated by science as a supportive therapeutic tool. References Bonis, J. C. (2024, febrero 8). Qué es el Magnetismo Animal, y su Relación con la Hipnosis . PSYCOlógicaMENTE; Juan Carlos Bonis. Fernández, T., & Tamaro, E. (2004). Franz Anton Mesmer . Biografias y Vidas. Figueroba, A. (2017, abril 20). Franz Mesmer: Biografía de Este Pionero de la Hipnosis . Psicología y Mente. Rozo Castillo, J. A. (2007). Franz Anton Mesmer: ¿Hereje, Charlatán o Pionero? .

  • Consistent Parenting and Academic Performance

    Parenting is a fundamental process in human life, establishing an interaction between different generations, with the primary goal of ensuring survival, reproduction, care, and socialization (Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar, 2019). This process not only involves direct interaction between generations, but it is also marked by diversity, as the characteristics and contextual conditions vary from one culture to another and from one family to another. Within this process, caregivers carry out various activities aimed at supporting the holistic development of children. This includes managing available resources to facilitate the psychological growth of children. In this regard, according to Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar (2019), the key components of parenting include health, learning opportunities, and love, essential elements that ensure healthy and full development. Consistency in Parenting Consistency in parenting style is essential to provide a stable and predictable environment, which favors the well-being of children (Sabater, 2020). Several studies have shown that maintaining clear expectations, establishing regular routines, and offering constant support significantly contribute to academic performance and personal development (Mosquera, 2015). Children who grow up in a consistent environment are more likely to experience success both academically and personally, reinforcing their confidence and motivation (Mosquera, 2015). Moreover, according to Raya, Erreruzo & Pino (2008), consistency also has a positive impact on the development of social and emotional skills, such as the ability to form healthy relationships and manage emotions appropriately. A consistent environment also has an important influence on children's cognitive development (Sabater, 2020). Those who grow up in a stable and predictable environment are more likely to develop strong academic skills, which will serve as a foundation for their future success (Sabater, 2020). In line with Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar (2019), consistent parenting not only fosters learning but also contributes to the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are fundamental to facing both academic and personal challenges with confidence. The democratic parenting style, which balances firmness with empathy, has been shown to be the most successful in fostering good academic performance and emotional stability in children (Lloyd, 2022). However, it is important to highlight that many caregivers do not adhere to a single parenting style but tend to combine different approaches. In this regard, an overly strict parenting style based solely on rigid rules can negatively affect communication and affection between parents and children. Although this approach may seem orderly and effective when children are young, during adolescence, when children begin to explore their independence, it can create fear of criticism, leading teenagers to become more reserved. As a result, according to Lloyd (2022), it is essential for caregivers to find a balance between being consistent in their expectations and being empathetic to the children's perspectives. The Power of Consistent Parenting Students' academic performance is closely related to the parenting styles they are exposed to (Molina, Ramírez & Sierra, 2020). Various studies have shown a direct connection between parenting styles and students' academic performance . Consistency in parenting practices fosters discipline, commitment, and responsibility, key factors for academic success (Molina, Ramírez & Sierra, 2020). In addition to contributing to greater discipline, consistent parenting allows children to develop essential social and emotional skills, such as the ability to form healthy relationships and manage their emotions appropriately (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). Finally, in line with Mosquera (2015), consistent parenting in terms of expectations, routines, and parental support has a positive impact on academic performance. Moreover, it has been observed that consistency in parenting styles also plays an important role in reducing school dropout and grade repetition (Mendoza et al., 2019). In Colombia, for example, the academic dropout rate in secondary education was recorded at 4.81%, with 1.7% of students repeating the school year. Despite these figures, 91.44% of students passed the grade by the end of the academic year (Mendoza et al., 2019). A study conducted in a rural school in Palestina, Caldas, showed a direct relationship between parenting practices and academic performance (Valero, 2021). According to Valero (2021), the results suggest that consistent parenting practices are determinants of children's academic success. The Impact of Inconsistent Parenting on Academic Performance The caregiving style plays a crucial role in children's academic performance (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). In situations where caregivers do not maintain a consistent approach, children may experience confusion and a decrease in motivation, negatively affecting their school performance (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). The lack of structure and support from parents also contributes to demotivation and confusion, which directly impacts children's academic performance (Peña, 2022). According to Mosquera (2015), children who grow up in an inconsistent environment often have difficulty adapting to rules and meeting academic expectations, which can result in poor school performance. Keys to Consistent Parenting Parenting is a complex task that requires specific skills and strategies to be effective (Eslava, Mora & Murillo, 2022). From a psychological perspective, several recommendations exist for caregivers to be consistent and assertive in their daily parenting approach. Assertive communication plays a fundamental role in the parenting process. Therefore, it is essential that caregivers foster this type of communication at home. Assertiveness involves the ability to express one's feelings and needs clearly and respectfully, avoiding both verbal aggression and allowing others to disrespect. When caregivers practice active listening and show understanding of what their children express, children feel heard, valued, and understood. According to Eslava, Mora & Murillo (2022), this strengthens their self-esteem and contributes to emotional development, as they perceive that their opinions and experiences are taken into account. It is equally important for caregivers to work as a team to ensure effective parenting (Dowshen, 2015). This collaboration involves constant and open communication between caregivers, who must discuss and consider the individual needs of their children. When caregivers collaborate closely, a family environment is created where all members participate actively. This prevents children from being used as intermediaries or manipulation tools in conflict situations. Instead, in line with Dowshen (2015), a dynamic of joint decision-making is promoted, always centered on the well-being and needs of each child. Honesty in communication is another crucial aspect of parenting. According to Our Family Wizard, caregivers should be honest in explaining difficult situations clearly and respectfully. This honesty gives children a sense of trust both in their caregivers and in themselves. When facing complicated situations, such as family issues or changes in routine, children have the opportunity to process reality appropriately, helping them feel secure and prepared to face any challenges. Quality time dedication is also an essential aspect of parenting (Dowshen, 2015). It is important for caregivers to establish exclusive spaces to spend time with their children, engaging in meaningful activities that strengthen the emotional bond. These interactions not only reinforce closeness and emotional connection but also convey a clear message to children: they are valued and loved. According to Dowshen (2015), shared experiences foster trust and emotional security in children, who feel safe knowing they hold a special place in their caregivers' lives. Finally, the democratic parenting style is widely recommended by child psychology experts (Ramírez, 2005). This approach is characterized by being balanced, flexible, and respectful. It is based on creating an egalitarian relationship between caregivers and children, promoting active participation and free expression from children in family decision-making. In line with Ramírez (2005), this style favors the development of autonomous, responsible, and emotionally healthy children. El Camino hacia el Éxito Académico y Personal The way caregivers raise their children has a crucial impact on their long-term academic and personal success (Herrera, Bedoya & Alviar, 2019). Stable and consistent parenting provides the necessary tools for developing key skills such as self-discipline, perseverance, resilience, and the ability to set and achieve goals in various areas of life. Children who grow up in a consistent family environment are more likely to achieve good academic results and attain balance in their personal life (Raya, Herreruzo & Pino, 2008). Therefore, according to Raya, Herreruzo & Pino (2008), it is essential for caregivers to maintain consistent parenting, as this approach not only positively influences academic performance but also plays a fundamental role in the children's well-being and future success. References Dowshen, S. (2015). Nueve Pasos Para una Crianza más Eficaz . Nemours KidsHealth. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from Eslava, M. V., Mora, A. M., & Murillo, P. A. (2022). Comunicación Asertiva y Pautas de Crianza Usadas Por Padres Jóvenes en Tiempos de COVID - 19 . Universidad Santo Tomás. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from Herrera, O., Bedoya, L., & Alviar, M. (2019). Crianza Contemporánea: Formas de Acompañamiento, Significados y Comprensiones Desde las Realidades Familiares . Redalyc. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from Lloyd, C. (2022, April 9). ¿Cuál es tu Estilo de Crianza? Great Schools. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from Mendoza, K.B., et al. (2019). Efectos de las Prácticas de Crianza Sobre el Rendimiento Académico y su Contribución a la Terapia Psicológica . Redalyc. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from Molina, D., Ramírez, K., & Sierra, J. (2020). Estilos de crianza y Rendimiento Académico en un Grupo de Estudiantes de Básica Primaria de un Centro Educativo del Corregimiento Altavista, Medellín 2020 . Corporación Universitaria Minuto De Dios. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from Mosquera, L.M. (2015). Influencia del Estilo de Crianza Familiar en el Aprendizaje Significativo de los Estudiantes de Inicial II de la Escuela de Educación Básica 24 de Julio del Cantón de Santa Elena, Provincia de Santa Elena Durante el año Lectivo 2014 - 2015 . Universidad Estatal Península De Santa Elena. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from Our Family Wizard. (n.d.). La Crianza de los Hijos Después del Divorcio: 10 Maneras de Hacer que la Crianza Compartida Funcione . Retrieved June 7, 2023, from Peña, R. (2021). Cómo Influyen los Estilos Educativos Parentales en el Rendimiento Académico Según Alumnos/as de Formación Profesional . Universidad De Valencia. Retrieved June 7, 2023, fromña.pdf?sequence=1 Ramírez, M. A. (2005). Padres y Desarrollo de los Hijos: Prácticas de Crianza. Estudios Pedagógicos (Valdivia) , 31 (2). Raya, A.F., Herreruzo, J., & Pino, M.J. (2008). El estilo de Crianza Parental y su Relación con la Hiperactividad . Redalyc. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from Sabater, V. (2022, January 20). Frases de Sabiduría Sobre la Crianza de los Hijos. La Mente Es Maravillosa . Retrieved June 7, 2023, from Valero, G. E. (2021). Prácticas de Crianza y su Relación con el Rendimiento Académico en un Colegio Rural del Municipio de Palestina, Caldas. Universidad Católica De Manizales. Retrieved June 7, 2023, from

  • Parenting Styles and Academic Performance

    The family plays a central role in a child's sociocultural environment as it represents an integral whole and serves as a model in terms of behavior, discipline, and attitudes, positioning it as a key factor in shaping their life (Mendoza et al., 2019). In this context, the family not only transmits norms, values, rights, and duties but also fulfills the essential function of preparing the individual to assume their role in society in an appropriate and effective manner. Thus, the family becomes the closest and most relevant dimension in each person's life. According to Mendoza et al. (2019), it is within this nucleus that individuals begin their socialization process, acquire fundamental tools, and prepare to interact and participate in other social systems, such as school, thereby contributing to their integration into the community. Parenting and the Socialization Process Parents are the primary agents of socialization during the early years of a child's life, a process distinct from other types of socialization due to familial ties that create deep emotional bonds between caregivers and children (Vega, 2020). Accordingly, Vega (2020) emphasizes that socialization is an essential component of parenting , as it lays the foundation for the individual's emotional and social development. Fostering security, emotional stability, and the development of healthy self-esteem are key benefits of proper socialization starting in childhood (Vega, 2020). These aspects largely depend on interactions among family members, which act as a determining factor in transmitting norms, values, and attitudes. Consequently, in line with Vega (2020), both parents and schools significantly influence shaping children's personalities, preparing them to function as active agents in society. Parents, as the head of the family, play a central role in creating spaces for socialization that adapt to changes in the social environment (Vega, 2020). These spaces provide children with emotional resources and support, enabling them to integrate effectively into educational, political, cultural, and religious contexts (Vega, 2020). Furthermore, frequent interaction with primary caregivers, educators, relatives, and friends helps build a protective environment that promotes parenting based on tolerance, love, and emotional stability (Salvia & Tuñón, 2011). According to Salvia & Tuñón (2011), this support framework ensures children have the necessary conditions to socialize and develop a basic structure of trust, essential for their overall development. Parental Involvement in the Learning Process The family plays a crucial role in educational formation, as the constantly changing environment requires adapting educational processes to meet current needs (Pedraza et al., 2017). Within the family, children begin to develop communication skills and establish relationships with their immediate environment, primarily composed of their parents and siblings (Vega, 2020). Siblings serve as role models for behavior, beliefs, and values, while parents not only fulfill the children’s basic needs but also foster their emotional well-being and psychological development. Additionally, Vega (2020) points out that the family socializes norms, instills values, and helps children become autonomous and independent individuals. In this sense, the family collaborates with educators from the onset of schooling, serving as essential support for the learning process (Vega, 2020). Since the family is the child's first school, it acts as a foundation that can either boost success or contribute to failure, providing the groundwork for future learning (Vega, 2020). In summary, Pedraza et al. (2017) highlight that the family and the school form an indispensable partnership. While the family offers intuitive and in-depth knowledge of children, the school provides scientific tools and pedagogical techniques for acquiring knowledge within a comprehensive educational process. Academic Performance Students' academic performance is deeply influenced by emotional and affective balance, which is directly connected to the family environment (Mendoza et al., 2019). According to Mendoza et al. (2019), the family plays a crucial role in individual formation, as lived experiences and developed attitudes significantly contribute to shaping personality, strengthening not only academic and professional training but also interpersonal relationships within the family unit. On the other hand, academic performance reflects the knowledge that students acquire during their education and their ability to respond to various factors influencing their development (Vega, 2020). This performance is evaluated through resources implemented by teachers, such as lessons, assignments, or interviews, which measure the level of knowledge attained. In this context, both teachers and students become key elements in the educational process, with the classroom serving as the primary setting (Vega, 2020). Moreover, Sinisterra (2019) notes that academic performance can be classified as high or low based on students' achievements. From this perspective, academic performance is viewed as the highest outcome achieved by a student in the teaching-learning process, understood as a multifactorial dimension (Vega, 2020). Factors influencing this performance include motivation to study, interest, individual commitment, and, notably, family-related elements. In this regard, Vega (2020) stresses the importance of the educational community—including administrators, teachers, students, and parents—being able to identify any conflicts that may hinder students’ academic development. Effects of Parental Style on Academic Performance Parenting practices play a fundamental role in how parents educate and raise their children (Vegas, 2020). However, according to Vegas (2020), many of these practices are inadequate in the parent-child relationship, influenced by parental characteristics such as personality, social and cultural factors, and the value placed on education and preparing children for life. A study conducted by Ortiz and Moreno (2016) found significant differences in students' academic performance depending on the parenting style adopted by their parents. This is because parents who share an authoritarian style have children mostly with good and excellent achievements, similar to the democratic style , and the biggest difference is with the negligent style . These findings suggest that when both parents share the same parenting style, their children develop a consistent cognitive pattern with both positive and negative consequences, depending on the style adopted. Conversely, in students whose parents have divergent parenting styles, academic performance varies widely—from excellent to poor—affected not only by the discrepancy in parenting styles but also by the interaction of other variables. It is worth noting that the negligent style has the most significant negative impact on children's academic performance. In conclusion, parenting style is a determining factor in students' academic performance. Among the various approaches, the democratic style is the most beneficial, as it not only promotes good academic outcomes but also fosters comprehensive and healthy development in all areas of children's lives. Factors Influencing Academic Performance Institutional Factors These external factors significantly affect academic performance by interacting with students (Vega, 2020). They include elements such as the methodology used by the educational institution, the student-teacher ratio, scheduled hours, class sizes, availability of resources like library books, academic pathways chosen by students, and the overall institutional environment. According to Vega (2020), some of these variables can be optimized in an educational context, such as adjusting schedules or reducing the number of students per class, which positively impacts learning quality. Pedagogical Factors This category includes the theoretical and practical components that enable effective transmission of curriculum content (Ramírez et al., 2020). Their development depends on accumulated educational experience and methodological innovation (Ramírez et al., 2020). These factors are directly related to the teacher's role, teaching methods, evaluation strategies, and teaching materials used (Vega, 2020). Additionally, according to Vega (2020), aspects like student motivation and the time dedicated to preparing activities and lessons directly influence student participation and understanding. Psychosocial Factors Psychosocial factors include those related to the student's personality and emotions, such as self-esteem, confidence, emotional state, and the perception of the value of studying (Vega, 2020). These elements are also influenced by the significance the teacher conveys in the learning process. According to Vega (2020), a student's commitment to their academic activities, combined with their skills and attitudes, helps them value their academic achievements and recognize their efforts as a driving force to reach new goals. Sociodemographic Factors This category relates to the social and cultural demands that students face, considering external elements tied to their family and social contexts (Ramírez et al., 2020). Factors such as place of residence, parents' educational level, socioeconomic status, and type of educational institution have a direct impact on academic performance (Vega, 2020). Furthermore, Vega (2020) highlights cultural aspects, such as gender inequalities that undermine women's positions and underestimate their intellectual capacity, as an additional challenge influencing academic success or failure. References Mendoza, K., Montoya, Y. A., Montánchez, M. L., Montañez, J. M., & Bautista, M. J. (2019). Efectos de las Prácticas de Crianza Sobre el Rendimiento Académico y su Contribución a la Terapia Psicológica . Sociedad Venezolana De Farmacología Clínica Y Terapéutica. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from Ortiz, M. de la L., & Moreno, O. (2016). Estilos Parentales: Implicaciones Sobre el Rendimiento Escolar en Alumnos de Educación Media . Revista Digital Internacional De Psicología Y Ciencia Social. Recuperado 24 de enero de 2023, de Pedraza, A.P., et al. (2017). Familia y Escuela: Dos Contextos Comprometidos con la Formación en Ciclo III de la Educación Básica . Universidad Santo Tomás. Recuperado 6 de febrero de 2023, de Ramirez, R., et al. (2020). ¿Qué Factores Podrían Afectar el Rendimiento Académico en Educación Primaria? VII Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Innovación Educativa en el Ámbito de las TIC y las TAC. Recuperado 6 de febrero de 2023, de Salvia, A., & Tuñón, I. (2011). La Primera Infancia: Importancia del Proceso de Crianza y Socialización Para el Sano Desarrollo. Acta Académica. Recuperado 24 de enero de 2023, de Sinisterra, J. (2019). Caracterización de los Estilos Parentales de Crianza y el Rendimiento Académico en Adolescentes de 12 Años de Edad, que Asisten a la Institución Educativa Técnico Industrial Pedro Antonio Molina, Sede Inmaculada Concepción . Fundación Universitaria Católica Lumen Gentium.ÓN_ESTILOS_PARENTALES_CRIANZA_RENDIMIENTO_ACADÉMICO_ADOLESCENTES_12_AÑOS_EDAD_QUE_ASISTEN_INSTITUCIÓN_EDUCATIVA_TÉCNICO_INDUSTRIAL_PEDRO_ANTONIO_MOLINA_SEDE_INMACULADA_CONCEPCIÓN.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y Vega, M.F. (2020). Estilos de Crianza Parental en el Rendimiento Académico . Scielo. Recuperado 13 de septiembre de 2022, de

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