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What is Neuropsychology?

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Before delving into this specialty of psychology, it is quite convenient to understand what neurosciences are, since neuropsychology is exactly that, a science that focuses on the nervous system (Macias, n.d.). Neuroscience is a discipline that encompasses different sciences that are responsible for studying the nervous system from different perspectives, thus contributing to a better understanding and comprehension (Macias, n.d.). In short, according to the International University of Valencia (2017), neurosciences focus on the study of the human brain.

What is Neuropsychology?

Neuropsychology has traditionally been defined, in a broad sense, as the science that studies the relationship between the brain and behavior (Bombín & Caracuel, 2008). In this definition, when talking about the brain, it refers to the central nervous system as a whole and from a neurobiological point of view: as an organ that is subject to physical laws and, therefore, susceptible to alterations due to morphological and biochemical changes, which can cause its functional alteration. On the other hand, according to Bombín & Caracuel (2008), behavior is understood in a broad sense, with special emphasis on cognitive processes, but also on observable behavior, mainly propositional, and emotions.

Then, neuropsychology focuses on higher mental functions, such as attention, learning, memory, language, emotions, thinking, reasoning, among others (de la Rosa, 2018). In the same way, it studies the executive functions, which are those complex mental activities, fundamental to plan, organize, orient, analyze, regulate and evaluate the behaviors necessary to effectively adapt to the surrounding environment and achieve goals (de la Rosa, 2018). In short, in correspondence with the International University of Valencia (2017), neuropsychology studies the brain function of behavior.

Therefore, the object of neuropsychology research is the lesions, damage or abnormal functioning of the structures of the central nervous system, which, leads to difficulties in cognition, psychology, emotion and behavior of people (Pérez & Gardey, 2008). According to Pérez & Gardey (2008), these consequences can be caused by cranial trauma, cerebrovascular accidents, brain tumors, neurodegenerative diseases, e.g., Alzheimer's disease or multiple sclerosis, ischemia, developmental diseases, such as the onset of epilepsy, cerebral palsy, among others.

In short, the great challenge of neuropsychology and where it focuses its research efforts lies in the knowledge of the nature and functioning of cognitive processes, their interrelation and connection with behavior, emotions and, in general, with the functional performance of people in their surrounding environment (Bombín & Caracuel, 2008). According to Bombín & Caracuel (2008), it is the search for this knowledge that characterizes the practice of neuropsychology, and not the sometimes indiscriminate application of its methodology without a theoretical background to support it.

Characteristics of Neuropsychology

Neuropsychology uses scientific methods to study the brain and its relationship with human behavior (Universidad Internacional de Valencia, 2017; de la Rosa, 2018; Macías, n.d.). Generally, two methods are used, the first is the hypothetical - deductive method, which is based on hypothetical propositions, conducting experiments and the acceptance or rejection of these hypotheses (Universidad Internacional de Valencia, 2017; de la Rosa, 2018; Macías, n.d.). According to the International University of Valencia (2017), de la Rosa (2018) and Macías (n.d.), the second is the analytical - deductive, where several experiments are carried out to order and analyze the relationship between certain facts.

In the same vein, neuropsychology is based on other sciences, such as, for example, neurology, biology, pharmacology, psychology or medicine (Universidad Internacional de Valencia, 2017; de la Rosa, 2018; Macías, n.d.). This means that in the exercise of this discipline, professionals from many fields will collaborate to provide comprehensive treatment to patients (Universidad Internacional de Valencia, 2017; de la Rosa, 2018). In short, according to de la Rosa (2018) and Macias (n.d.), all neuropsychological rehabilitation work is done through a multidisciplinary team.

Finally, it is interested in the associative cerebral cortex, which is the most external and visible part of the brain, which, is directed to all higher cognitive processes and is the part that, commonly, is most affected (International University of Valencia, 2017; de la Rosa, 2018). The areas of the associative cerebral cortex allow people to be aware of the things around them (de la Rosa, 2018). Because of this, one can interpret reality and react to it adaptively (de la Rosa, 2018). According to Macias (n.d.), although it is not the only area that causes this phenomenon, the effects on the corpus callosum, basal ganglia, hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus and cerebellum can also trigger cognitive and emotional impairment.



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  5. Universidad Internacional de Valencia. (2017). ¿Qué es la neuropsicología y qué hace un neuropsicólogo?. Recuperado 14 January 2021, a partir de

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