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What is Good Teaching?

Writer's picture: Juliana EljachJuliana Eljach

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

What is Good Teaching?

There are hundreds of answers to this question, which have been studied by educators, psychologists, philosophers, novelists, journalists, filmmakers, mathematicians, scientists, historians, politicians, and parents, to name a few (Woolfolk, 2010). Good teaching is not limited to classrooms, for it occurs in homes and hospitals, museums and sales committees, doctor's offices and summer camps (Woolfolk, 2010). A central issue in the discussion of effective teaching debates relates to the definition of "effective" as well as how it can be adequately measured (Devine, Fahie & McGillicuddy, 2013). Now, is good teaching a science or an art? Is a good teacher a performer or a good coach?

This debate has been going on for many years (Woolfolk, 2010). However, good teaching is as much about passion as it is about reason (Gonzalez, 2015). It is not only about motivating students to learn, but also, teaching them to learn in a relevant, meaningful and memorable way. It is giving importance to what is taught, having passion for the subjects and transmitting that enthusiasm to everyone, especially to the students. In the same way, good teaching has to do with the essence and with the formation of students as consumers of knowledge. Finally, according to González (2015), good teaching closes the gap between theory and practice.

Characteristics of a Good Teacher

Teacher, professor, lecturer, or master are the terms used to denote a common profession, that of teaching (Uriarte, 2020). According to Uriarte (2020), it refers to one of the basic engines of the constitution of modern societies, which is to disseminate to future generations, values and knowledge that are considered transcendental, valuable and of great importance.

In accordance with Martín, González & Llorente (2016), for more than three decades, reference has been made to the evaluation of teaching work based on the perception of students, which is considered one of the models with the longest trajectory and use in institutions, since, listening to what are the characteristics mentioned by students helps to identify which are the good teachers and helps to understand what is good teaching and how it can guide decision-making in the classroom.


The good teacher is patient, since, not everyone learns in the same way, nor do they have the same abilities, nor the same talents, nor the same family conditions (Uriarte, 2020). In other words, each student is different and, therefore, teachers must consider each student individually (Marín, 2019). Finally, according to Uriarte (2020), a good teacher must be generous with his or her attention and with the time students need to understand the topics of the class.


Teaching is one of the most important professions, since it initiates the formation of a new society (Marín, 2019). The teacher at the front of the class is in charge of the students' learning (Uriarte, 2020). Therefore, the teacher must be a dedicated and responsible person, who attends to the students and responds to their needs (Martín, González & Llorente, 2016). In addition to doing his or her homework, a teacher must ensure that he or she is as effective as possible (Uriarte, 2020).


Bragging about the titles you have or taking refuge in the position you hold is a bad way to earn respect and a bad way to build a bond with the student (Uriarte, 2020). A good teacher should be approachable and friendly; it is not necessary to always be on a pedestal (Uriarte, 2020). In accordance with Marín (2019), the good teacher should be a role model and represent that people also make mistakes, therefore, he/she should recognize his/her mistakes as just another person.


The quality of teaching performance can be perceived from different points of view, one of them is the level of commitment (Rivadeneyra, 2020). Teachers who are committed to the human quality of teaching tend to spend more time with their students. According to Rivadeneyra (2020) education is not just concepts, what makes teaching valuable in classrooms is precisely the social interaction in an active learning community.

Lover of Continuing Education

Teaching is far from being a single, rigid method, to which, everyone without distinction must adapt, since, understanding is realized through a variety of methods (Uriarte, 2020). According to Woolfolk (2010), teachers need to know the research on student development, as well as, for example, the patterns that are common to certain age groups, social classes, geographies, and genders; in addition, they need to know their own students, who are a unique combination of culture, gender, and geography.

As in any profession, the world moves on and teachers may find themselves in a situation where they must cope and continue to learn (Marin, 2019). That is, the teacher must do everything possible to stay updated, read sources, be in and out of their areas of expertise (González, 2015; Martín, González & Llorente, 2016), since, according to Marín (2019), when students realize that the teacher is not one hundred percent in control of what they are talking about, they disconnect and feel insecure about the situation.

Exercise Authority

Currently, a teacher's authority is not directly related to the role he or she plays, but depends on the respect he or she inspires among students (Uriarte, 2020). According to Marín (2019), it is an obligation to achieve a certain balance in order to eliminate fears and distance, without forgetting that the teacher is the exemplary figure, and therefore exercise the power given to him/her as a teacher.

In the same way, the teacher needs to know how to earn the respect of his students, becoming a role model and a positive link (Uriarte, 2020). Especially with difficult target groups, such as young people or people in at-risk situations, this may mean that the teacher imposes him/herself and gives him/herself a place of authority in the classroom. However, according to Uriarte (2020), there are smarter ways to do this.

Good Communication

People think that the most important quality a teacher should have is knowledge, because that's what the job is all about: sharing knowledge (Hunbbel, 2018). But no matter how knowledgeable a person is, if he or she cannot convey what he or she knows in a way that is not only understandable but also engaging, the knowledge itself is useless (Hunbbel, 2018). For example, in classes where students must maintain their attention, the possibility of good communication will arouse students' attention through various voice strokes and by raising and lowering the volume.

Therefore, according to Marín (2019) and Martín, González & Llorente (2016), teachers must use correct language adapted to their students so that the information reaches everyone in the same terms. The profession of a teacher is teaching and his tool is the word (Marín, 2019). In the same way, he must use an appropriate rhythm in communication and must carry out an ideal speech, taking into account the tone, rhythm and vocabulary appropriate for the audience (Marín, 2019). That is, a communication that is not only addressed to the students, but also to the rest of the school community (Sanfeliciano, 2019). After all, one does not always have the same type of audience.

Knows how to Listen

A good teacher listens, asks questions, is sensitive, and remembers that every student and every class is different (González, 2015; Martín, González & Llorente, 2016). In other words, in an ideal learning environment, teachers ask important questions and then listen, actively, carefully, and sensitively to what students have to say (Hunbbel, 2018). Great teachers listen carefully and then use what they hear to enhance communication. Consistent with Gonzalez (2015), it is about eliciting responses and developing the oral communication skills of those students who are quieter and promoting students to strive for excellence, but, at the same time, being human, respecting others, and being professional at all times.


The good teacher is also about style (Gonzalez, 2015). Effective teaching is not about putting both hands on a podium or looking at a slide projector while the teacher moves around the room (Gonzalez, 2015). The teacher must be a communicator, a kind of stimulus, who motivates students in the paths of learning, not a simple repeater of information (Uriarte, 2020). Finally, according to González (2015), a good teacher is responsible for the classroom and for the learning of all students.


Motivation is the main resource that teachers should have, since, it is proven that students achieve excellent results when they are motivated (Marín, 2019). To do this, the teacher must be enthusiastic about his or her own task and the content (Uriarte, 2020). A teacher who knows how to transmit his or her passion for teaching will form students who are passionate about learning, since, the motivation instilled in students will awaken their curiosity and enhance their ability to learn (Uriarte, 2020). With this in mind, effective teachers transform educational tasks into creative and stimulating activities that improve the quality of education.

Likewise, students who are challenged in problem solving, in which they develop skills that serve them in other areas of their lives and satisfy their curiosity, are much more productive and achieve the proposed learning outcome (Rivadeneyra, 2020). Therefore, according to Marín (2019), teachers should focus on studying students' motivations in order to develop training that can predict real positive reviews.

Has Humor

The good teacher is humor (González, 2015; Martín, González & Llorente, 2016). While most people do not consider humor to be a quality, it is one of the most important qualities of an ideal teacher (Vallikat, 2020). Having a good sense of humor means making jokes to break the ice and allow students to learn in a more relaxed environment (Gonzalez, 2015). By being funny, it does not only refer to making jokes, but also enjoying students' jokes and naughty little activities (Vallikat, 2020). Teachers who are funny have the ability to easily bond with students and create a joyful environment (Vallikat, 2020). This is very important since, according to Gonzalez (2015), teachers should be self-critical and not take everything too seriously.

Intuitive and Observant

A good teacher knows when to go to a distant student, when to demand better results from a lazy one, and how to evaluate a group of people with very different potentials (Uriarte, 2020). It is about appreciating the individual processes of learning without losing the notion of totality and natural competence. According to Uriarte (2020), the ideal teacher should know about his or her students much more than about their transcripts.


  1. Devine, D., Fahie, D., & McGillicuddy, D. (2013). What is ‘good’ teaching? Teacher beliefs and practices about their teaching. Taylor & Francis. Recuperado 18 March 2021, a partir de

  2. González, H. (2015). La buena enseñanza. Diario Occidente. Recuperado 15 March 2021, a partir de

  3. Hunbbel, S. (2018). Top 9 Characteristics and Qualities of a Good Teacher. Owlcation. Recuperado 18 March 2021, a partir de

  4. Marín, N. (2019). 15 características de un buen docente o maestro. Lifeder. Recuperado 15 March 2021, a partir de

  5. Martín, S., González, M., & Llorente, A. (2016). ¿qué características psicológicas valoran los estudiantes universitarios de sus profesores?. Dialnet. Recuperado 15 March 2021, a partir de

  6. Rivadeneyra, E. (2020). Las características de un buen maestro. Talent Republic. Recuperado 18 March 2021, a partir de

  7. Sanfeliciano, A. (2019). ¿Qué significa ser un buen profesor?. La Mente es Maravillosa. Recuperado 18 March 2021, a partir de

  8. Uriarte, J. (2020). 10 Características de un Buen Docente. Recuperado 15 March 2021, a partir de

  9. Uriarte, J. (2020). Buen Profesor. Recuperado 18 March 2021, a partir de

  10. Vallikat, A. (2020). 20 Qualities of a Good Teacher: Improve your teaching skills. Teachmint: India’s No.1 Teaching platform.. Recuperado 18 March 2021, a partir de

  11. Woolfolk, A. (2010). Psicología Educativa. Recuperado 11 March 2021, a partir de


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